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A Ycash Forum is a great place to ask questions, learn from fellow Ycash users, and work together with others on interesting Ycash-related projects

Main Ycash Forums


Operated by the Ycash Foundation, the official Ycash Discord is the premier online forum for all things Ycash. Those building the future of Ycash reside on the Ycash Discord. You'll find software developers, mining pool operators, veteran miners, exchange operators and new users just getting started with Ycash.

Please note: In order to maintain a productive working environment, conduct rules are strictly enforced. Notably, profanity of any kind is forbidden and will lead to a permanent ban.

Join Ycash Discord


Operated by the Ycash Foundation, the official @YcashFoundation Telegram group is the premier group on Telegram for all things Ycash.

Please note: In order to maintain a welcoming environment, conduct ruels are strictly enforce. Notably, profanity of any kind is forbidden and will lead to a permanent ban.

Join the @YcashFoundation Telegram Group

Other Ycash Forums


Operated by the Ycash Foundation, the official YcashTalk subreddit is small but growing. It is a great place to ask questions about Ycash.

Visit the r/ycash subreddit